Emotions running high. After a sleepless night (racing thoughts, but a pleasant anxiety) I set off for what will most likely be my last bike ride to work. I was listening to my Walkman (only on the car-free bike path, mom) and the tape I popped in this morning was the one I made of potential “wedding dance songs.” When Billy Joel’s “You’re My Home” came on, strangely enough, a tear sprang to my eye, and I don’t think it was because of the strong winds. I wished I had held out for that song (instead of that hokey Disney tune) although it’s not great to dance to, it’s one of my favorites, and it really seems to describe how our married life feels. I then began to think of other past, though insignificant, regrets including “I wish I kept my car one more year, I should have kept in touch with that nice family from Japan, and I wish I had invited more of my PPNYC friends to our wedding...”
Then the fifth song on the tape started to play:
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid…
The water works were in full force, and definitely not due to the wind. As I listened to the words, I wondered whether I knew at the time that I would be quitting my job – at that time a new job – and starting an incredible new life.
Unbelievable sights, Indescribable feeling...
No one to tell us no, or where to go...
I have to admit, I rewound the tape and listened a couple more times.
A Whole New World. Not a bad decision after all.