Saturday, June 30, 2007

News of the Highlands

I suppose we are now technically out of the Scottish Highlands, being in Kirwall, Orkney. We are waiting for our ferry tonight to Lerwick, on the Shetland Islands, but we are not going to stay there. We have decided to get out of this wet and cold country - and on to Norway (but what makes me think it will be better there?) We are a bit nervous because we couldn't buy advance tickets on the ferry to Norway, and we've been meeting people who have told us that the ferry doesn't go there anymore. Well, the Internet says different, so I guess we'll see.

The weather in Scotland really kicked out our butts, but we still managed to have a good time and see a lot of great scenery (I don't think these pictures do anything justice, but I'm having trouble uploading at the moment.) The reporters have said that it's been the wettest June in Britain since the recordkeeping began - and this is for BRITAIN! Geez.

Anyway, the highlands were simply gorgeous, and the ferry ride to Orkney was beautiful (photo of the 'Man of Hoy' rock formation is included.) We were told there were lots of sheep in Scotland, and though there are certainly many, not nearly as many as we've seen in Germany and Holland. Or, maybe the space is just larger and they're more spread out.

So, I thought I would have tons to write about, but when I'm in front of the screen, I can't think of a thing to say. I always plan to write something out longhand at night, but then I'm too tired (or too lazy.) Perhaps a better update from Scandinavia...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rain Day

It's raining again today and we decided not to move, since we have a nice campsite (with trees for shelter) and are near a nice town. Anyway, we have 'arrived' in our destination (scotland) anyway, so there's no need to rush off anywhere.

And, I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about what I love about Scotland (I think the last entry was a bit whiney...)

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties
We love Haggis! It's the perfect meal when it's cold out, and goes great with Tenents beer. Neeps are turnips and tatties are mashed potatoes. All in all, a great filling meal. And, with all the exercise, it doesn't seem to be doing me any harm.

Friendly people!
We can't get over how friendly people are here. You can't be on line at a supermarket, on a park bench, or in a pub without someone striking up a conversation. Last night, we tried Scotch Whiskey - a treat from one of the friendly bartenders. I'm not one for whiskey, but this was pretty good. It was called Isle of Skye, from the island of the same name. I also could sit all day and listen to people talk with that great accent! A little hard to understand, but pleasing to the ear!

Fabulous scenery!
I've said this a million times, but it really is true. I was a bit doubtful upon coming here....can it really be that beautiful?? But it is. I'm trying to upload pictures now. This computer will only let me upload to ofotos, but I'll see if I can create a link here.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Roundabout 200 Miles Left

Dingwall, Scotland 2,192 km
Yes, here we are in Scotland, traveling in miles, on the left, and through countless roundabouts. Driving on the left isn't so difficult, except when it comes to intersections - I never seem to know where the traffic is going to come from. Also, now that I've gotten used to kilometers, it's a pain to figure in miles (plus, when a town is five miles away, it's a heck of a lot longer than 5km!) Nonetheless, Scotland is really beautiful, though quite hilly. But I guess you can't have beautiful scenery unless you climb (and descend) some hills.

Enter the Wind
While we enjoyed a great tailwind in the Netherlands, the second day in Scotland the wind, and the weather, got back at us. First, we had to climb hills into strong headwinds along the coast. Then, we've been faced with rain (or the threat of rain) and cold every day. The cold is probably the's not so nice to sit outside your tent when the wind is howling. So, we've gone over the budget a bit by hiding out in pubs (what am I complaining about?!)

Everyone here is talking about how lovely it was in April - summer tempuratures. I swear, if I hear that one more time....

Wasted Light
Yes, it's the second lightest day of the year today, but it's been quite dark (cloudy) all day. When we're at a campsite far from a town, we generally go to sleep before it gets dark (because we're too cold to sit outside.) On the 'bright' side, however, I haven't had to use a flashlight while reading at night. Also, it gets light at around 3:30 in the morning and the birds start singing. Weird!

Cheap and Cheerful
I had heard that the Scottish were thrifty, but I don't know how they can be...the prices here are pretty outrageous. Basically, NYC prices and then some. Like £6 for takeaway fish and chips (that's 12 US bucks, folks!) And when I've asked people where I can find 'reasonably' priced items, they are quite helpful....'oh, you want cheap and cheerful right?'

Actually, enough's a wonderfully beautiful country (haven't I mentioned that already) and the people are so, so friendly we can't believe it! Fantastic advice....whether we ask for it or not!

Okay, would like to write more as well as post some photos, but I have to go pick up my bike from the local bike shop (loose spokes making weird noises.) Take care and stay tuned for more...

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Brugge, Belgium 1,637 km

Was able to find an Internet cafe where I could post our photos. See the link to the left. We leave tomorrow on the ferry for Scotland, where the forcast calls for rain, rain, rain. Still, we're excited!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Wind Power

Middleburg, NL 1,500 (or so) Kms
Hi again. Well, now that we have been staying closer to bigger towns, and slowing down as we near our interim destination of Zeebrugge, Belgium (where we get the ferry to Scotland on Monday) I have discovered the Dutch libraries, where Internet is cheap and good (free coffee in Ouddorp!) So, I thought I would do another quick update and add some photos.

We just crossed the last long dike we needed to cross in Holland before we are in Belgium. And, fortunately, the wind was behind us all the way. And it was quite strong, too! I felt sorry for those riding in the other direction - pumping as if going up a huge hill (we'll get our share of those in Scotland, I guess.) Now I know why they have all those windmills and wind-energy-generators here!
Okay, so I finally have good internet access but can't think of a thing to say. To anyone reading this: I'm sorry I haven't been better about sending personal emails, but I always feel like I write everything here, so there isn't much else to say. Anyway, keep all those emails and comments coming!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Dike Riding

Zandvoort, NL 1349 km

Apologies to those who might have been searching for a different topic, but this is what we've been up to for the last two weeks or so...riding along the dikes of the Elbe River and North Sea in Germany and Holland. Although, today we rode along the dunes of Holland (didn't know they even had dunes! Looked and felt like Fire Island...with hills!) Except for a couple of days of bad weather, the trip has been fantastic so far. The scenery is beautiful, the terrain is (mostly) flat (only need to battle the wind and rain at times) and our equipment is holding up, save for two flat tires.

We have seen a lot of water, farmland, coastline, quaint villages, big towns and have seen and heard tons of animals - cows, horses, ponies, geese, swans, frogs (loud ones!), storks, rabbits and sheep, sheep sheep! Often, the trail goes through the sheep's grazing land...also on the dikes.

The north sea in Germany was pretty cool - the tide goes out really far (like many miles) and you can walk in the mud left behind at low tide. It's supposed to be healthy. But after we crossed a really long dike from one part of Holland to the other (cant remember the name right now), the sea began to resemble what I'm used to seeing - like I said, dunes and beaches.

We are about 200 km from Belgium where we plan to take a ferry to Scotland. Pictures to come later, when I can find an internet cafe where I can load them. Actually, internet cafes are pretty hard to find (or else I'm too exhausted when it's time to look) so updates and emails will be less often than I had hoped. But at least I was able to find a terminal on this special day so I can wish Uncle Lou a HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY! And I'll take the opportunity to wish cousin Susan a happy 60th in a couple of weeks.