Matthias on the bus between Soppong and Pai
A lot of time has passed since the last post - I'm sitting here in Florida on my new netbook not knowing where to start. I left off in Chiang Rai, Thailand (February 2010) from where we continued on to Pai. We relaxed for about a week in Pai and Matthias took another fruit-carving lesson there (he wanted to learn how to make an orchid.) We then made our way southward toward Bangkok, stopping for a short (sweaty) stay in Ayunthaya. We rented bikes and toured the town with its ancient structures, but we were longing for the cool, comfortable evenings of northern Thailand and Laos. Then it was one night in Bangkok before our flight to Berlin (where we then found ourselves longing for the heat again...)
Temple ruins in Ayunthaya
We stayed about two weeks in Germany, visiting Matthias' family and (sort of) celebrating his mom's 60th birthday (we were there on the actual day, but she had the big party after we left for America...oops.) We did get to spend a few days in the Harz area, where there was still lots of snow and I could try (unsuccessfully) a little cross country skiing. We also got our medical appointments taken care of. Is this thing getting boring, or what?!! See why I haven't written?
We then flew to NY and spent a lot of time visiting family before driving down to Florida to see my parents. And we've been here ever since - for about a month. We're having a nice visit and Matthias is putting his fishing license to work.
Next update from up north.