Friday, June 22, 2007

Roundabout 200 Miles Left

Dingwall, Scotland 2,192 km
Yes, here we are in Scotland, traveling in miles, on the left, and through countless roundabouts. Driving on the left isn't so difficult, except when it comes to intersections - I never seem to know where the traffic is going to come from. Also, now that I've gotten used to kilometers, it's a pain to figure in miles (plus, when a town is five miles away, it's a heck of a lot longer than 5km!) Nonetheless, Scotland is really beautiful, though quite hilly. But I guess you can't have beautiful scenery unless you climb (and descend) some hills.

Enter the Wind
While we enjoyed a great tailwind in the Netherlands, the second day in Scotland the wind, and the weather, got back at us. First, we had to climb hills into strong headwinds along the coast. Then, we've been faced with rain (or the threat of rain) and cold every day. The cold is probably the's not so nice to sit outside your tent when the wind is howling. So, we've gone over the budget a bit by hiding out in pubs (what am I complaining about?!)

Everyone here is talking about how lovely it was in April - summer tempuratures. I swear, if I hear that one more time....

Wasted Light
Yes, it's the second lightest day of the year today, but it's been quite dark (cloudy) all day. When we're at a campsite far from a town, we generally go to sleep before it gets dark (because we're too cold to sit outside.) On the 'bright' side, however, I haven't had to use a flashlight while reading at night. Also, it gets light at around 3:30 in the morning and the birds start singing. Weird!

Cheap and Cheerful
I had heard that the Scottish were thrifty, but I don't know how they can be...the prices here are pretty outrageous. Basically, NYC prices and then some. Like £6 for takeaway fish and chips (that's 12 US bucks, folks!) And when I've asked people where I can find 'reasonably' priced items, they are quite helpful....'oh, you want cheap and cheerful right?'

Actually, enough's a wonderfully beautiful country (haven't I mentioned that already) and the people are so, so friendly we can't believe it! Fantastic advice....whether we ask for it or not!

Okay, would like to write more as well as post some photos, but I have to go pick up my bike from the local bike shop (loose spokes making weird noises.) Take care and stay tuned for more...

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