Donauwörth, 2,829 kms
We are now back on the Danube for a night after traveling over the Romantische Strasse bike route from near Munich. The ride is nice, but the weather is crap. It has rained for the past three days, and yesterday it rained so much we could never even pack up the tent and go, and we had to spend all day at a campsite with nothing to do and nowhere to get out of the rain (oh, did I envy those people with campers, or even big tents!) Fortunately, there was a restaurant nearby, where we could warm up with cold beer.
We can´t really complain about the weather...we have had uncommonly good weather for the whole trip so far, and have done lots of swimming, as I may have mentioned. And I guess this rain is typical for Germany, so we´ll just deal with it.
Our plan now is to head up to the Main river, and then over to the Rhein and back toward Matthias´hometown of Gommern for his father´s birthday at the end of the month. We´ll see how far we can get without needing to take a train, but it´s good to know that the train is there for the taking.
Hope everyone is staying cool!
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