Before an entire calendar month goes by without an entry, I’ll add one.
It’s not that I don’t have anything to wri
te about, it’s just that….well, I don’t really know what it is!
Actually, things are going pretty damn great. Berlin is fab – Matt and Dean came to visit in September, followed by my parents, and then Matthias’ cousin (once removed.) And Matthias seems to be enjoying Greece – keeping it warm for me! He’s coming back here on November 17th, staying for three weeks, and then we’re both flying there (with my bike in tow) on December 7th – one day after my ESL teacher training ends. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Classes are going well. The German class (photo) is good, but unfortunately I don’t get enough practice speaking German outside of class, especially given that my ESL teacher training class is totally in English (of course.) Unless you count watching reruns of Roseanne and The Simpsons in German. As of the 17th of November, I’ll have taken 300 hours of German (half of the government-subsidized 600 hours I’m entitled to) and I suppose my German has improved. We’ll see – the test will be if Matthias has the patience to converse with me in German….only then will I be good enough!
The ESL teacher training is HARD, but really good. The people are great, and I think I’m really learning a lot. I just had my “mid-point tutorial” and found out that I’m doing quite well, meaning if I keep trying to improve, I could “pass with a higher grade” (the better news is that if I just go through the motions, I’ll still pass!) And better still: I already had my first teaching “job”. Someone heard through the Berlin grapevine that I was taking this course and asked me to give a few hours of private lessons to a friend’s mother. My first bit of employment in almost three years! But who’s counting….
I’ve met lots of interesting people here as well, but that will have to wait for another entry (if there ever is one) since I’ve also had so many fun visitors! It was so great to see Matt and Dean. Even though they still haven’t sent me their photos (hiss!) I can report that the trip was a success – they saw lots of art, we drank a respectable amount of beer, and Matt tried some German food that would make even my father grimace. (I’m warning you, Matt – if you don’t send me some useable photos, I’m going to post the one of you eating the pig leg!) It was a great visit.
And, on the day that Matt and Dean left, my parents arrived. As an alternative to a hotel, we shared a charming, arty apartment (photo) in Friedrichshain (old East Berlin), which turned out to be a great idea since I didn’t have to worry about making tim
e to see them (I could always meet them at home after my classes.) They did lots of sightseeing, we all did lots of eating, and I got to practice my ESL lessons on them (they’re pretty good at English, I must admit.) And, Matthias’ parents came to visit – twice! It was a great visit, and despite our ever-growing political differences, we’re still getting along quite well (and still talking on the phone almost every other day.)
So, this was the middle of October, and Berlin was enjoying a lovely stretch of great weather (which has just ended, by the way!) After my parents left (on the 11th of October) I moved into my new apartment in another great part of town (Neuköln, for those who might know it) and had a short visit from Matthias’ cousin Sina, who just turned 18. I was nervous about the visit, since I didn’t know her that well, but we had a really nice time (at least I did) going to museums (thanks Matt for the tip on the Berlinische Gallerie – it was
great!), walking in the historic district, and going out to hear live music.
Wow, I’m tired just writing about this! And now the election on Tuesday – and yet more visitors! Cousin Andrew is coming on Sunday, followed by Josh and Uncle Lou on Tuesday. There’s an all-night event here on the 4th that I’m going to try to drag them to (hell, look out for us on CNN international!) And hopefully on Thursday I’ll be able to hold up my head in my various classes!
So, Jen - have I tempted you to get out and get those tickets?
Yep! Bought our tickets! Now that I have read your blog and see that you live in "Neukoln", I will start researching places to stay! Wheeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!